Hello guys, thank you for your time and let us know something else about you, here we go…

If you could be defined with three emotions, what would they be?

Gromee: Positivity, optimism, enthusiasm
Lukas: Melodic, joy, kindness.

Gromee is a dj, music producer and composer, and Lukas is a guitarist, singer and songwriter as well as being a vocalist of No Sleep for Lucy. Lukas, how have you lived this musical adventure from your different experiences? tell us about your history in music industry.

Lukas: Most of my musical life is characterized by my band No Sleep For Lucy. Here I’ve has developed my style of singing and the way I write melodies and lyrics.

With my band No Sleep For Lucy, I had the honor to work with a lot of talented people in the music industry. Stevie Aeillo (30 Seconds To Mars), Tommy Henriksen (Alice Cooper, Hollywood Vampires) and Grammy nominee Mark Holman (Daughtry, Three Days Grace etc.) are just some of the names me and my band worked with over the years.

Gromee is from Poland and Lukas from Sweden. How did you decide to join your talents for this musical collaboration?

Lukas: It all started when Mahan Moin introduced me to Gromee. They asked me if I was up for writing a song and sing on the track and I thought it sounded fun and interesting. Then me, Gromee, Mahan Moin, Sara Chmiel and Christian Rabb wrote ”Without You” and it turned out really good.

How was the idea of ​​participating in the local Eurovision selections?

Lukas: Everything started after “Without You” was released. Many people suggested Gromee should sign up for the Polish Eurovision selection. Even I received lots of e-mail encouraging me to talk to Gromee about it.. We thought it would be a fun challenge and… here we are as the winners of the Polish selections!

Gromee: For many years my fans have been asking me to take part in these selections.. This year they have been asking me again and again. So I finally thought ”let’s give it a try!”

You names sounded strong to win, What did you think at the time you were named as representatives of Poland?

Gromee: I felt excited. I was proud I can represent my country. It is a completely new adventure. What can I say….I was all over the moon!

Lukas: We felt pure joy. To get such an appreciation of something you fought for and put a lot of time on felt amazing. It will be great to represent Poland in Lisbon.

Is there additional pressure for how the people have received you proposal?

Lukas: I think that all participants feel pressure and it’s totally normal. We are chosen by the Polish people to represent the whole country. Therefore – there need to be expectations. We will do everything we can to represent Poland in the best possible way.

Gromee: I have many professionals around me – and I don’t feel any pressure. The participation was an instant decision.

What message you want to tell with “Light me up” in Eurovision?

Gromee: For me this song is about the internal light of all the people. This light show us the way every time we feel lost. I’m lucky to have positive people around lightning up my life and lifting my spirit when I’m down. I believe this song brings nothing but the good emotions. It is like a soundtrack to happy moments in life. It creates positive vibes and puts you in a cheerful mood.

Lukas: The song actually comes out of a difficult time, but we want to convey in into the positive message. We believe many people will see a bit of themselves in this song and that we can convey the feeling that everyone is able to take the next step and move on.

What expectations do you have with your participation in Eurovision? 

Gromee: We don’t have any specific expectations. We just want to have fun, enjoy ourselves and bring good memories to Poland.

Lukas:  For us the whole trip to Lisbon is an incredible fun. We believe our happy vibes will spread themselves throughout the whole Lisbon!

Eurovision is a festival followed by hundreds of eurofans in the countries of Latin America. Did you know this? 

Lukas: I have heard that there are Eurovision fans around the world, especially in Latin America, although it’s not an area that comes to your mind when you think of Eurovision J It’s very funny to hear that there are many fans there too and we hope you like our song.

Gromee: I didn’t know that but I am extremely happy to hear that. I have many Latin American fans on Spotify I hope that in the future I will visit this region and play some great concerts for them!

Any latin musical references that you have?

Gromee: I love latin music, sounds and people! They are cheerful, happy and so full of life !

Would you like to visit our countries later? “It would be an explosion of energy”

Lukas: Of course, that would have been incredibly fun. We hope it can become reality soon.

Finally, a message for our readers…
Gromee: Light up everyone around ! And sent good vibes to the world 🙂



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