We had the opportunity to speak with the German representative 2017, who told us about her beginnings and the moments when she won his “golden ticket” to Kiev.

ORLA: Who is Levina? What can we know about you?
L: Levina is a singer and songwriter who is through and through inspired by music 🙂

ORLA: In three words, how would you describe yourself as a person and as an artist?
L: Open-minded, determined, humorous.

ORLA: Tell us about your artistic career
L: At the age of 6 I already sang and invented some songs about butterflies and animals in the garden. But then when I was 9 years old, I actually started my musical education, which was a classical education at first, and I started that because I was in the school choir and the choir leader suggested to my parents to send me to singing lessons, because there could be something there. I always play my piano when I am writing songs, so it’s the instrument I love to compose with. Never stopped doing music since then.

ORLA:  How the idea of be in Unser Song 2017 came to you?
L: My friend from Germany sent me the link for the online application and I thought, yes – lets do it!

ORLA: Do you remember what was the first thought you had when they confirm you as one of the 5 finalist?
L: I was super happy. I just could not believe it. It was absolutely fantastic!

ORLA: What did you feel most comfortable with, once you listened Wildfire and Perfect Life for the first time?
L: With Perfect Life – loved it immediately!

ORLA: Tell us about the ”winning moment”, what came to your mind when they named you as the winner?
L: At first I did not actually realise it and thought „ Oh wow, this is really happening! I was selected with my two songs!” I was super happy and really overwhelmed by the reaction of the audience. After a few weeks it has sunken in – and I’m still so excited about it and enjoying every minute of it!

ORLA:  Since the election of ”Perfect Life”, alot of people have been speaking about how similar is with David Guetta’s ”Titanium”, What do you think of it? Do you think to have an alternative or different version, so this does not play against you?
L: I understand a comparison of the intro, but I am not affected by it, so I just focus on the Song “Perfect Life”. I’ve been really analyzing the lyrics and putting my emotion and experiences in it!

ORLA: What does it mean for you, to represent your country in Eurovision?
L: Representing Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest means a lot to me. It’s an absolute honor to be able to represent Germany. I am super happy to be able to take part in this sort of international song festival, which puts the emphasis on celebrating music no matter where you come from! Of course, for every artist it’s absolutely amazing to perform on such a big stage. I’m super happy about it. 🙂

ORLA: Eurovision was always a goal to fulfill or just came without ask for it?
L: The wish to take part in Eurovision came a bit more spontaneously last year when I found out you could apply online for the German pre-selection. I thought, this is actually perfect 🙂

ORLA: What can the festival give to you and, what can you give to the competition?
L: The event already gave me such beautiful and unique experience through my travels around Europe, I met great and talented singers and songwriter from so many different countries. Furthermore, it is such an honour and a great opportunity to perform at this big stage and representing Germany. I want to make people happy and reach people with my performance, emotions and voice. I hope people will have a great time listening to me and they might discover me as an artist that has a lot to give 🙂

ORLA: In 2014 and 2015, unfortunately Germany took the last place in the grand final, What do you think has failed in the election of this proposals?
L: Mainly I want to have a great experience and be happy with my performance! I would love to be in the top 10 of course and I hope I can reach the people with my voice. I feel people around Europe are reacting well, but in the end you don’t know for sure and you can’t influence it.

ORLA: What have been the Eurovision song that you liked the most?
L: I really like ABBA with “Waterloo”. Their stage outfits were amazing.

ORLA:  Eurovision is a festival followed by hundreds in Latin America, did you know this? What do you think about it?
L: Of course, I knew! It’s really awesome that so many people on the other side of the world support Eurovision. Many thanks for that!

– Would you like to present your music in our continent?
L: Of course! I’ve never been to Latin America, but I have quite a few friends from there and heard so many good things. I would love to play some concerts 🙂

ORLA: To conclude, send a greeting to all eurofans in Latin America who are happy about your choice as a German representative in Kiev.
L: Hola everyone in Latin America! Thank you for supporting Eurovision. Without you guys the contest wouldn’t be what it is today and I couldn’t make this amazing experience! Thanks so much and enjoy the music!

Levina will perform in the Second Half at the Gran Final on May 13th at Kiev.


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