Hello AWS, we thank you very much for your time and, for let us know something more about your history, thoughts and participation in ESC 2018.

Who are musically AWS? tell us about you musical genre and your influences in music.

We’re a five-piece band playing modern metal. We founded AWS back in high school,
where we all went together. We started with English lyrics (Fata Morgana album), but then we switched to Hungarian (ÉGÉSFÖLD and Kint a vízbol albums). We’ve released these three albums so far and we
are working on the fourth one. We toured Hungary many times and also had shows in Europe, for example we just came back from London.

If you could be defined with three emotions, what would they be?

Angry, energetic, witty.


Picture by Nikolett_Kaszner

You have been a band for more than ten years, have toured several European stages and you have even won the MTV award for the best new band. What has been the most difficult part of staying in the music industry and what do you want to express with you music?

Paying rent, buying food and gasoline is always a struggle. (laughing) To be serious it’s not easy to schedule all the band activities while we have full-time jobs to maintain our lives.

How the idea to participate in the A Dal 2018 came to you?

We just wanted to show our music to a broader audience in Hungary. We didn’t expect to win this contest. But we did and now we are going to the ESC!

Did you have any doubts in participating with a not very common musical genre in Eurovision?

Well, we can’t have doubts as this is the music that we chose to make. On the other hand we can see how odd this can seem: a metal band at the ESC. Maybe this ‘disadvantage’ will be our advantage as we don’t have to share a genre like all the other contestants do. We hope to find our audience among the viewers of the Eurovision.

Picture by Nikolett_Kaszne

How did you feel as you progressed in the competition, until you become the Hungarian representative in Lisbon?

We got used to cameras and this whole new world which wasn’t familiar to us before. But we soon made friends with the crew and learnt how things work in television.

When the hosts gave the results, we saw Örs Siklósi especially surprised. What were he thinking at that moment?

He was thinking about all the works of Magritte and Dalí at the same time. (laughing)

You will bring a hardcore metal proposal to Portugal. What do you want to ex-press with Viszlát nyár?

Our song is about dealing with death and the loss of a loved one. The father of our singer Örs passed away last year and this event inspired our lyrics. We think that in our culture we make things harder for ourselves by avoiding the topic of death carefully and sometimes forget about the fact that our time here is not infinite. Sometimes we forget to pay attention to the loved ones in our lives and we only realize these things when we lose them. If we could give more thought to the fact that we won’t be here forever, we could live a happier, fuller life and spend more time with the people who are important to us.

What expectations you have with your participation in Eurovision?

We would like to end up at the 13th place. (laughing) We try to get realistic when it comes to results, but we can promise that we’ll do our best to bring a true AWS show to the stage and hopefully make it to the final. Apart from this we can’t wait to meet all the new people and to be a part of such a huge and exciting adventure.

Picture by Dávid_Horpáczi

Will you keep the song in Hungarian? Any change in the entry?

Yes, we’ll stick to the original lyrics. We’ll only change the chorus as all of us will be sing-ing so the song can be even more powerful.

Eurovision is a festival followed by hundreds of eurofans in the countries of Latin America. Did you know this?

No, we didn’t, but it’s a great thing.

Do you have any musical reference from Latin America?

We know Sepultura!

Would you like to visit our countries later? “There are cities like Bogotá in Co-lombia or countries like Argentina and Mexico, where the metal have thousands of followers”

Of course! We would happily perform at Rock in Rio for example.

Finally, a message to our readers all over Latin America and beyond…

Muchos besos é churros (this is all we know in Spanish:)


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