Hello Jonida, it is for us a real pleasure to speak with you and get to know a little more about your history and your participation in Eurovision so, for all the ESC fans in Latin America tell us:

OGAERLA: Who is Jonida in the world of music, tell us about your beginnings until nowadays ?

J.M: I think it is very important to be yourself and I would never compromise with that. 

OGAERLA: What emotions define you as a musician and a person?

J.M: As I mentioned before, I have grown up on stage. I am a highly sensitive person, something that is also noticed in the music I do. 

OGAERLA: You have participated in several important festivals in Albania such as Kënga Magjike, the Top Fest and the Festivale I Këngës; In all of them you have won or reaches the top positions. What have you learned about all this experiences?

J.M: Each one of them is a life experience. I have learned a lot from all of them. At the same time they have inspired me to go ahead. 

OGAERLA: Regarding your great artistic career where you have not only entered the music, but as a TV host and being a coach in The Voice Albania, how much  expectation has been fulfilled from the Jonida that started at the age of thirteen changed until now? 

J.M: I am an artist, I do work hard and I have my dreams. But I am still so down to earth person. I am not a delirious or irrational at all because I think the secret of the success lies in being timeless and not overconsumed.   

OGAERLA: You have participated repeatedly in the Festivali I Këngës, (approximately nine times), How the idea to compete in FiK came to your mind and, why so many time? only because you have Eurovision in mind?

J.M: In fact, it has been “Ktheju tokes” that convinced me to return at “Festivali i Këngës”. And then came the most surprising moment, when I won Fik. I hold a lot of responsibilities on my shoulders because I will represent my country in Eurovision Song Contest.

OGAERLA: Finally, you achieve the dream of representing Albania in Eurovision by triumphing last December in the FIK. What crossed through your mind at that moment? 7- Is in your mind to keep participating in the Festivali I Kënges?

J.M: It has been one of the most excited moments in my life, sealed in my mind as a precious memory. When I recall that moment, I always smile and joy fills my heart.  

OGAERLA: What story is behind the song “Ktheju tokës” that will represent Albania?

J.M: “Ktheju tokës” tackles a global and personal issue. Immigration is a global issue and this song is an appeal to return to your land, to your roots. Everything in this life starts with yourself and we can’t deny it. 

OGAERLA: You will play your song in Albanian,Why do you think it is necessary to go to Eurovision with your native language?

J.M: This song is first created in Albanian and the emotional lyrics best fits in our language. The magic of the song would be faded in another language. Moreover, it has been the international fans and critics wish.  

OGAERLA: What expectations do you have with this opportunity? How have you thought about your staging?

J.M: We are working hard on our performance. We are thinking about some metaphors that remind us the earth with its gravity that draws us in our land, in our roots. 

OGAERLA: Eurovision is a festival followed by thousands of fans in the countries of Latin America. Did you know this? What do you think it?

J.M: Yes, I know it from many messages I receive every day on Instagram. I am very happy because you enjoy music. At this point we have many similarities even though we live-in long-distance countries. The energy and the love for the good music brings us closer. 

OGAERLA: Would you like to visit our countries later? * It would be very interesting to publicize your culture with us *

J,M: It would be a great pleasure. I love to explore the world. I am waiting for my

invitation. 🙂

OGAERLA: Finally, what message do you want to give to the people who are reading this interview?

J.M: I think that each one of you is an artist because you have a special feeling about music and dance. You are so vivid and I hope this energy never fades away. God bless you all!

OGAERLA: Once again, thank you very much for your time and we hope that you have the support you deserve to move to the grand final and get the best position possible.

interview conducted by: Christopher Estrada and Alberto Delgado.

Por Christopher Estrada

Comunicador social, periodista y próximamente psicólogo colombiano. Mientras sigo en el proceso de volverme loco, Eurovisión es una buena ruta de escape y por eso escribo desde hace cinco años para OGAE RoW Latino.

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