Hi Laura, it is an honor for us to talk with you and to know a little more about your history and your participation in Eurovision.

Let’s begin… Who is musically speaking Laura Rizzotto?

I’m a singer/songwriter and pianist who is crazy about Music. My songwriting foundation is based on pop music, but I also love blues, soul and jazz.

 If you could define yourself with three emotions, what would they be?

Love, Joy and happiness.

You are a singer, pianist, composer and guitarist. Tell us about you history in the music industry.

I’ve been working as a professional singer/songwriter and recording/performing artist since the age of 15, when I did my first live performances. I got my first record deal with Universal Music Brazil and released my debut album with all-original songs, “Made in Rio”, at the age of 17. I moved to the United States shortly after, to study Music in Berklee College of Music and Calarts, where I graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. My second album, “Reason to stay”, was recorded and released independently, in Los Angeles. Shortly after, I moved to New York, to pursue a Master of Music degree at Columbia University, completed in 2017, and to work on my third project, which is the “Precious Stones” EP collection. The first EP, “RUBY”, was launched in 2017, and has a pop feel. The next one will be “AMBER”, which is a Baltic stone and will be a tribute to my Latvian roots.

You were the opening act for Demi Lovato at her concert in Brazil and you also advised Jennifer Lopez with Portuguese classes, how was those experiences?

They were amazing. I admire both of them as professionals and have been following their career for years. Getting to work with both of them was a pleasure and also a memorable learning experience.

We can say proudly… one “Latina” will participate this year in Eurovision. Did you have the festival as one of your professional goals or it came by accident?

I’ve been a fan of Eurovision for many years and performing on that stage is a dream come true. Yes, I am proud of being “latina” and will definitely be representing Latin America in the big Eurovision stage.

How was the idea of participating in the Supernova born?

It was serendipity! My family and I had already made plans to visit Latvia in 2018, for the centennial celebrations, the Song and Dance Festival that happens once every 5 years, and to visit my cousins who have moved from Brazil to Latvia. While doing research for our trip to Riga, I came across a piece of news about Supernova and decided to submit my latest original song, “Funny Girl”.

 What did you feel when you were confirmed as the representative of Latvia in Eurovision?

I felt overjoyed! It is such an honor to represent my country in Eurovision, specially this year, when we celebrate Latvia’s 100th anniversary!

Latvia had a victory in 2002. How do you think a possible second victory would be received in your country this year?

Why not? Anything is possible! I will do my best to deliver a great performance and connect with the audience, from heart to heart. I hope the Eurovision fans connect with my song “Funny Girl” in a powerful way and let Magic happen.

What message you want to send with “Funny Girl” in Eurovision?

I hope the song “Funny Girl” inspires people to empower themselves, be brave and embrace vulnerability. Sometimes we let fear of rejection stop us from expressing ourselves and end up watching life happen from the sidelines. Taking risks is part of the art of living an accomplished life. So, be bold! Turn fear into courage and become the leading character of your own story.

What expectations do you have with your participation in Eurovision?

I’m excited about performing on the beautiful Lisbon stage and connecting with such a diverse audience. I’m also very excited about meeting the talented artists from around the world that are also participating in this. I’m sure it will be a very unique experience.


How would you like to be remembered after your Eurovision experience?

As the “Funny Girl” who made Latvia and Latin America proud!

Eurovision is a festival followed by hundreds of eurofans in the countries of Latin America. Did you know this?

Of course! I’ve been following the Eurovision contest for years.

There is “latin blood” Running through your veins, What do you think is the key for the great acceptance that our music is currently having in Europe?

Latin people are very warm, outgoing, sexy and passionate about life. That can be felt through our music, making the exchange of energy with the audience easier.

Do you have plans to perform in Latin America? “It would be nice to be able to tell you… 12 points”

Gracias! (Thanks) I would love to have the opportunity to perform in Latin America soon.

Finally, a message for our readers.

Muchas gracias, mis amores! (Thank you very much my loves)

Thank you for all of your support. Stay tuned to my instagram @laurarizzotto for updates .Listen to “Funny Girl” on Spotify and spread the word!

Hasta luego. : ) (Bye)


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